posted by Luchi 77 at martes, febrero 27, 2007

Copyrights & Zatopeks - Handclaps & Bottlecaps (Split).
This record is comprised of all acoustic takes of punk rock songs - one old and one new from each band. It’s not emo. It’s not “sensitive”. It’s not trying to be anything it’s not. It’s about stripping down the rock n roll even further than just four chords, crappy amps and a shitty mic - which is what makes punk rock punk rock. It’s about sitting around with your buddies jamming out some tunes in your basement, bedroom or on your front porch. If you dig what these two bands have done prior to this release, you're gonna love this record too. And if you're not already a fan, it's about time you checked these bands out. C&P.

Zatopeks - Death and the Hobo
The Copyrights - Forever or Today
Zatopeks - Turkish Bread Chronicle
The Copyrights - Help Me Stay Awake


At mar feb 27, 05:32:00 p.m. 2007, Anonymous Anónimo

I asked for more Copyrights and I got it :) Thanks to you Luchi, Cheers!


At mar feb 27, 07:48:00 p.m. 2007, Blogger Luchi 77

Hey tox, You asked for more Copyrights, but this is not all ... patience :).