posted by Luchi 77 at jueves, junio 19, 2008

Fast Food - Electric Romance.
Along with the new CD and a 45 RPM single (great idea) from Spain's punk rockers Fast Food, I got a note from The Boss saying that he didn't include the presskit because it was written in Spanish. Well now, Mr. Testa, sir! This hombre just happens to have two years of high school Spanish (and two years of French), and I dated a smokin' Chica a couple of years ago who, when she called me "Poppi," would make my toes curl! (Well, we dated for one hot minute, but I'll include it on my resume here, anyway). leer mas!.

Radio, Radio, Radio
Surfin' Dora
Game Over
Cuando Suene Buddy Love
Latino Kids In Leather Jackets
El Año Que Cambio Mi Voz
Punk Rock City
Como Sonny & Cher
200 Cigarrillos
