posted by Luchi 77 at jueves, junio 19, 2008

The Queers - A Day Late And A Dollar Short (Reissue).
Creo que con este completo la serie de reissues de los Queers (si falta alguno, pedirlo); atentos que esto no es muy poppy, solamente para entendidos. ... For those who aren't familiar with the roots of the band, most of the tracks on this CD are from the Wimpy-era. Wimpy was the original "singer" with Joe on guitar and backing vocals. With Wimpy there is no pseduo-Beach Boys harmonies or whining about long lost loves. He is like your nasty, drunken uncle that stopped getting invites to family reunions after his conviction for statutory rape. This is not your little sister's punk rock. leer mas!.

We'd Have A Riot Doing Heroin
Terminal Rut
I Want Cunt
Trash This Place
Love Me
Kicked Out Of The Webelos
Tuly Is A Wimp
At The Mall
I Spent The Rent
I Don't Wanna Work
I'm Useless
This Place Sucks
Wimpy Drives Through Harlem
I Like Young Girls
Nuni In New York
Nobody Likes Me
Nothing To Do
Nowhere At All
Macarthurs Park
Flesh For Tulu
Fuck You
Didn't Want None
Meat Wagon
Don't Puke
Wimpy Drives Through Harlem
Nothing To Do
Gay Boy
Nobody Likes Me
Too Many Twinkies
Half Shitfaced
I Live This Life
Live Broadcast Wfmu 41194
